Monday, April 21, 2014

Eternal Sunrise over the Rooftops of the World

Eternal Sunrise over the Rooftops of the World
Written by Jonathan Henderson
Sunday April 20, 2014 @ 3:48 PM

Mornings awaken to the ubiquity of a rooster's call
For a new life borne of hope renewed, and upon his
Cry o' I sing to your graces, mon amour, and I'll love
Thee evermore. -

As I sigh amid my tear drop's rippling of an ambiance 
As I lie in state, and she beseeches me tarry hastily on
Home, and I shall traverse that golden bienvenue ever
Awaiting me, and she invites me to her opposite side
Of the pillow. -

Quixotic dreams fly as God's doves of peace shall to
Me bequeath another moment's exaltation of my old
Labor to see an eternal sunrise over the rooftops of
The world... o' tout le monde, merci, mon amour, s'il
Vous plait! O' how my perfect aphrodisiac guides my
Sweet chariot home across Helios' massive lantern,
Though it was cast unto him by mon amour as she's
Lifted me of a spirit mired so dark within a tempest
Of despair... and she called me home, as she is that
Source of the triad of necessity, and all the earthly
Sustenance I'll need till my Lord shall call us to his
Triclinium as we sip of the Eucharist, to break of a
Bread my fair Jesus shall forever nourish our souls
As we partake of the lone fuel to cast our souls to a
Land of a pax infinitum, His grace issued our morn
Never to see a twilight into the deathly hallows of
A final night.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Springtime in the Southland

Springtime in the Southland
Written by Jonathan Henderson
Thursday March 20, 2014 @ 9:33 AM

Springtime breezes exalt me higher upon
The green grasses blue reach to tickle my
Ankles en route to my soul, and how the
Cold winter deprived me whole, and I'll
Sing the song the hummingbirds in love
Heralding the end of a blizzard only long
In brevity, never to deny my love for you. 

Shall we see sing of the rise of springtime 
In my Southland, and how the seasons sing 
To a fiddle amid mountain terrains? Shall
I serenade my sweet baby upon the rise of
The first warm sun with the kiss of a rose
As such a lovely incantation amid my old
Scots-Irish clansman charm and the wiles?
May I sing to you, s'il vous plait? J'taime,
Ma chere, to thyself and me be true...

Well the eagles fly around my beloved Smoky
Mountains high, the lone Olympus to my cold
Heart of mine bitten with Jack Frost's chilled
Nip at the toes, and how it aroused thy spirit
To subvert the icicle chandeliers' descent far
Beneath the abyss winter dug below the old
Marianas well, and the sun sold to her my old
Tales of brave Odysseus assailing a ten year's
Fortnight, but the nightingale will croon upon
The lark of a new tomorrow germinated from
My amorous incantation to a sweet sunrise of
Me with you at my side.

Empty Chamber

Empty Chamber
Written by Jonathan Henderson
Monday April 14, 2014 @ 9:08 PM

Ich bin ein liebhaber, but as the gentle heart throbbing within,
How it cries for a mercy so tender and yet effervescently free
Of the sight of you, and for me? A gentle dribble of a tear rains
Down my right cheek for a second more consistent of many a
Week, a fortnight of eternal despair! I'd like to see if you really
Do read of a presence the flesh shall never appear as if prose
Within a novel or the lyrics of fair Ms. Dickinson, if I ever saw
What the fork in the road of which that laureate spake, or the
Majesty of fate which The Father said is an advice never to be
Necessary to achieve of man's flawed and vain reconciliation? 

My heart explodes within my throat, paralysis abounds, a pain 
I, well-acquainted, shall reap which I sow, and her majestical 
Eyes have it - o' how they sear of my soul's caged parakeet-type
Of despair, how I may bear against you, my love, a wisp of your 
Hair's gentle musings down my back, your lips my body's lone
Masseuse, and how I am stricken of a passion unrequited, and
I nigh see her script before me - o' what a dream my nightmares
Always conceive when that image of your invisible silhouette's
To appear, and all I am to see shall be the fear of my dry barren
Empty chamber! And as with Russian roulette, one day I'll see
That one filled of the six may fire and either kill or seal a fate
Of a heartstring, hollow, flooding it either of her my tears till 
Dry, or ending my winter of discontent till spring everlasting
Remains above the equator - never again shall a season to be
Demarcated till the day scheduled to die, for love is sprung as
Eternal, and so is God, for to we his children, it is His greatest
Heirloom bequeathed of us all.

To You, My Liege, I Pledge My Undying Affection

To You, My Liege, I Pledge My Undying Affection
Written by Jonathan Henderson
Tuesday April 15, 2014 @ 1:33 AM

To you, my liege, I pledge my undying affection 
Upon bequeathing thee my just flirtations, as it
Is the dawn of a new morn, merci, and my mind
Wanders upon the rooster's call to arms within
The warmth of your embraces so tight, you lay
Away my troublesome light-punished eyes upon
An otherwise ecliptic sunrise, a bloody moon to
Always persist past the day shy of her April ides,
For the taxman has cometh, as sure as we are to
Abide by the natural law to pass over the ancient
River Jordan - our penultimate voyage unto our
Destiny's destination as we cry for our unbridled
Song to sing by me to thee and to me of thee, the
Sweetest melody to end our days, the requiem to
Inform to all of God's children that in death still
Our story shall never reach a sad last page, as it is
A tale of a finite love unrequited only in how we
Are to never succeed to acquire a capacity simply
To adequately communicate our love from thy
Hearts to thee, the smile welcoming always thy
Broken half home from the remnants of hours so
Long past, they're too excruciating to again suffer
Further indignations of a time we are bereft of
Our souls' presence, for you are my heart's desire
Traversing down the Appian Way to our newly-
Acquired Pax Romani, 1,000 years of peace, only
To die another undetermined day as we're to be
Betrothed to one second shy of an Eternity blessed
With infinite others obscene only in our show of
An unbridled song Pachelbel's Canon - Handel sees 
Fit to resolve our Auria to cry we not ever again of
Tears rejecting our faith in His design for us, but
Rather sing of our song as we chime to our seeds
For future progeny to join our peace hand-in-hand.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

The Solo Artist (Video Recitation)

The Solo Artist 
Written by Jonathan Henderson
Sunday April 6, 2014 @ 9:23 PM

God bequeathed to all a Sunday to visit His home
For a quick parable, a tale, and I rode home insane,
Fathoming all in abject vain, traveling South from
My blue Heaven to the raging infernos of a Hell so
Familiar to the senses that it is my sight within the
Fair mirror - and I, the narcissist, the rage always
To engulf my silence on the surface demure, soft, 
But altogether jagged, points so razor blade sharp
At the ends of the pits, I know not how nor where
I am to measure the depths within a facial contort
Or the Bowie knife purging the cowardice of thy
Humble spirit, far less that in only the skin's depth
Never to be quantified, only the story of I, the solo
Artist's pain having never seen nor believed in my
Own heart's desire prior its decline of an age never
To have been lived in sin with my party in crime.

Friday, April 11, 2014

La mort éternelle de mon coeur

La mort éternelle de mon coeur
Written by Jonathan Henderson
Written April 7, 2014 @ 3:29 PM

The proud beat within thy lion heart of the temple
Never felt so barren, a dearth of pleasure and of
Unbridled despair, the despondency to be known 
By the lonely hearts of the winter's turbulent ocean
And her tempest, ever raging, to a climax to never
Have existed, the denouement only borne in accord
With my mere conception, a tide to kill the coming
Day's sunshine, for though Solis has baked those
Lucky backs upon the rites of Spring, my awakening
Will never bear for me any fruit not consistent with
That of the rheumatic fingers grasping the airs of a
Lifeless sky which reminds all of the opportunities
To experience the Forbidden Fruit never afforded of
Myself, but only the ascetic life of a stoic monk, of
The eternal sentencing to my monastic death many
Scores past, present, and into a posterity where the
Demise of my life, always fated for all my time, never
Failed to take launch as this was to be the fate ever
To be for me, for I never was granted a conception
In concert with fairest harmony, but requiem's song.

The Solo Artist

The Solo Artist 
Written by Jonathan Henderson
Sunday April 6, 2014 @ 9:23 PM

God bequeathed to all a Sunday to visit His home
For a quick parable, a tale, and I rode home insane,
Fathoming all in abject vain, traveling South from
My blue Heaven to the raging infernos of a Hell so
Familiar to the senses that it is my sight within the
Fair mirror - and I, the narcissist, the rage always
To engulf my silence on the surface demure, soft,
But altogether jagged, points so razor blade sharp
At the ends of the pits, I know not how nor where
I am to measure the depths within a facial contort
Or the Bowie knife purging the cowardice of thy
Humble spirit, far less that in only the skin's depth
Never to be quantified, only the story of I, the solo
Artist's pain having never seen nor believed in my
Own heart's desire prior its decline of an age never
To have been lived in sin with my party in crime.

Peachtree's Inferno

Peachtree's Inferno
Written by Jonathan Henderson
Tuesday April 8, 2014 @ 6:06 AM

Singing Southbound into Georgia, a brisk breeze nips
The early warm air of April's skies, and she shall ensue
Her rainy trickles of baptism's rites issued, its diffusion
Always till she begets o' my soul while sowing the seeds
Of May flora, and how my fauna sings to me of her blue
Bells across expanses of peanut galleries to Vidalia land.

Crossing the terrain over the highlands of Mt. Lookout
Till I see the delights of Chickamauga, and my! I recall
The annuls telling stories more than seven score and of
Seven pence of the man Gen. William Tecumseh, ye old
Butcher of a life once a sip of mint juleps upon lighting
Brightest his darkest state of despair, and to allow fiery
Embers percolate through Peachtree Boulevard's town
In the skies till Tara cries mercy, yet Willie T. died 'fore
The anathema's legacy scorched my earth of my blest
God's covenant of this, a life well spent.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

She's a Rainbow

She's a Rainbow
Written by Jonathan Henderson
Thursday April 3, 2014 @ 11:45 AM

Spring sprung, and the bell has rung, the bees
Buzz around the birds, the butterflies have me,
She hums a sweet tune so divine, and I'm now
No longer mine, but her heart to heat or shred.
She's a rainbow, and I will never find a shinier
Pot of gold from any other emerald isle's glow.

I struck it rich with my fair maiden, an honor
To accompany with her in arm, just to tow my
Load as the hideous half to a gem, no greater
Luster could be found in a De Beers bloodied
Mines, no Austrian sweet chocolate of sublime
Could taste so rich and sweet! A flight of this
Old navigator to the skies of powdered azure's
Cascading to a dance alongside Roy G. Biv, and
I'll stand by my rainbow's treasure amid riches
Unmeasured, unquantifiable, non-qualitative.

Friday Night Behind Her Bars

Friday Night Behind Her Bars
Written by Jonathan Henderson
Friday April 4, 2014 @ 8:58 PM

Friday night in the arms of Hope's despair,
And how that angel too distant seems to lie
Afar beneath my lair of content, and how it
Should be the night the darkness consumed 
Of our window to tame the beasts to always
Lie beneath the heart, if only my maiden's to
Live nearby alongside by night into each day
As Spring stirs ours, but warmth apart frosts
Into states of utter, sheer, frigid despondency. 

I shed a tear commiserating all the times I'm
To ponder whether she feels a blanket of my
Clouded languid life never free unless I lived
Behind her bars, she owning the lock and key
To my heart, and now she is not nearby upon
A Friday night when freedom is reborn once
Every sixth gun's decry, and my source to die
Is the discontent of a dogwood winter ever to
Follow retractions to rheumatic hands' grasp
Till I am to die, if not by breath, then upon my
Last trip as the poet set sails 'cross the stars.