Monday, September 23, 2013

Mais Pourquoi, Mon Amour? (Translated into English from French: "But Why, My Love?")

Mais Pourquoi, Mon Amour?*                                    September 23, 2013

Mais pourquoi, mon amour, mon petit bouton d'or française?**
How have I saddened you to the ends of this earth?
Tout le monde veut peu sans toi dans ma vie, ma chère!***
An Anglo-Franco alliance even in love
Is as ill-fated as the foreign relationship between the Channel.
Je me battrais autre Dunkerque juste pour être à vos côtés, mon amour,****
Comme il ya de nombreuses lunes, 
Vous étiez le Norman conquérir mon coeur juste pour écarter mes vagues!

I thought you had au cœur d'une lionne,*****
The spirit of Joan of Arc cascading like ruby falls as it coursed through your veins,
And yet here you are, a damsel in apparent distress,
Doing what so many French have for centuries
By dropping your rifle and surrendering upon the sight of battle!
Do I appear as if an emotional Maginot Line,
Or am I the Huns' raid from the east in the form of a blitzkrieg?
It appears as if we are a fait accompli, mon amour,******
Our mutual affectations beheaded by a callous guillotine du destin!*******

Waterloo and Sedan have not a thing upon our epic failure,
A defeat as immeasurable as the breadth of the heavens and Hell.
Our last tango upon the Champs-Elyssee  
Yielded little fruit other than bitterness and despair,
And ushered in our winter of discontent.
O 'Madamoiselle, voyez-vous pas?********
Pouvez-vous pas voir que nous étions censés être?
Sommes-nous maintenant à être aveuglé par la rapacité moral?
Il semble que le soleil a placé
Après une belle alliance repose une fois
Sur intentions amoureuses et l'ambition permanente.
Nous sommes morts. Nos âmes ne sont plus. Il est vrai!


* "But Why, My Love?"
** "But why, my love, my little French buttercup?"
*** "All of the world means little without you in my life, my dear!"
**** "I would fight another Dunkirk just to be with you, my love 
As many moons ago,
You were the Norman conquer my heart just to spread my waves!"

***** "... fait accompli, my love,..."
****** "guillotine of fate!"
******** "O 'Madamoiselle, can you not see? 
Can not you see we were meant to be?
Are we now to be blinded by greed moral?
It seems that the sun has set
After a great alliance based once
Intentions of love and lifelong ambition.
We are dead. Our souls are not. It is true!"

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