Friday, January 31, 2014

The Death of My Soul

The Death of My Soul
Written by Jonathan Henderson
January 31, 2014 @ 7:02 PM

My shell reeks of rotten eggs,
And they tell me it is my sulfur,  
For my fate is sealed at his call
And my hated body lies in state.
And yet, this tells of nothing true,
As my soul is on fire, the smoke
Screams, and the flames dance
To the tune of a fiendish waltz,
And I have no means of escape.

'Tis the death of my soul, and I
Don't know down which road, so
I lie down, relax, as I descend
To ashes, and the fiery embers of
My funeral pyre will not bear the
Phoenix's skills... and upon my
Soul reaching my Jolly Roger of
Hell, I will sail fair Hades' rolling
River Styx.

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