Friday, February 14, 2014

Three Thirty-Seven Ante Meridian

Three Thirty-Seven Ante Meridian
Written by Jonathan Henderson
Friday February 14, 2014 @ 3:37 AM

I. Ode to the Muse Thither a Poet Loves

While my muse sleeps thither me,
I awaken a-sorrowed, my soul sees
How my heart bleeds cold water as
If my fair Appalachia winter seethes.
Tis the present for which I'll weep
When my muse is thither way, and
I, ensconced, bereft of sleep, attest
That I, the poet, be a-vigil at twilight
While I dream of my muse at five.

II. A Commiseration Upon the Bewitching Hour

Tis the witching hour, and I? Well,
I state to thee upon my 3:37 morn
The spectre of her haunting ghost
Summoning me to combine hands.
She glows, but I see warmth within
Recalling our sinning oft and again
When last we tangoed at a banjo's
Pick, as we dueled as they, yet lived.
Are we pioneers? Are we fantasies?
Our reality shall remain our epoch
In time, only for our diaries to state
When I sang to my Leigh, and now?
Now she's thither, gone night by day.
The vultures encircle my plight as
I prepare forever my darkest lights.

III. Elegy of Haunting Recollections

I might be dead at a present, but I
Said, "Fair Maiden, let us begin our
Tryst between our spectre of colors
As radiant as Venetian skies, but I'll
Save the best for our gondola's ride
As the watery canals shall float us
So far as we may lay upon our fasts.

Lay, Lady, lay! As I will tempt thee
A ride by my equine across ol' Paris.
The images never dry like an oasis
Nor the creeks at rise and we'll flee
Upon our ark with two animals so
They, being us, devour fresh meat.
Gnash our teeth, and we? Our prey,
And though the blood subsides, how
There'll be a next time, and when a
Blue bell blooms among spring irises
Still our love'll spread hither till our:
Our mountains shall bury our souls.

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