Monday, August 25, 2014

Lazarus Exhaled

Lazarus Exhaled
Written by Jonathan Henderson
Sunday August 24, 2014 @ 2:58 AM

Dear Judean Lazarus sighed, and did so before he died!
Was it stratified? Suicide? Or a midnight ride down old
Revolutionary Road? And did Lazarus wail as Gruesome
And the chilly bumps made of Geeze will honk? What did
He do? Pray tell, what did my buddy Lazarus say prior to
That moment Exasperation clinched that windpipe, tightly
And bred with an eternal winter discontented, frigid even
As beyond Levant unto God's gift to humanity he lies atop
The bed of ice, and he the Pisces flopping to melt it even
As Chilly Willy had absconded to absentia, till the grande
Finale climaxed followed the manufactured replacement of
The final breath exhaled: Lazarus was never to be again.

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