Monday, November 17, 2014

The Solo Lover

"The Solo Lover" 
Written by Jonathan Henderson
Thursday April 24, 2014 @ 9:04 PM

A night darker still than her blackened opaque skies
Till he crashes upon wounded knees, weeping a flood,
Only in his despair shall he sip his bitter wine to wash
Away his deadest sorrow, for he is bereft of her soft,
Tender touch, so delicate as she might cascade those
Fingertips down the stream, but how t'was just a dream!
Thy fire within sears white-hot my soul till I am to be
Raked over Infinity's bed of hot coals, for I am the solo
Lover, never having known what indeed I should care.

Each night is a soiree down by the landing, and O'! Those
Debutante lilies are plucked by their wealthy beaus in
Tow, and who shall it be in control but a pair, a team
To plug the dyke's hole should it spring a leak, always
A fingertip to grant mercy to the touch of when Hell
Finally eclipses a paradise now forever lost in time....

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