Sunday, March 2, 2014


Written by Jonathan Henderson
Friday February 28, 2014 @ 3:45 PM

An empire's poor amid a land the cossacks
Raged the steppes of her Muscovite fields
As tsars and czarinas sought southward a
Grab as the Winter Palace cast St. Peter's
Blizzard south to Crimea's Sevastapol, and
How the blood which spilled! Conscripted
Serfdom bled on the fields and died, and
How the English and French crashed there
And the Nightingale fluttered freely away,
And this is said - but I'll confess as it seems
As history never forewarns of a peace lost
Due to time's burrowing lessons failed in
Tests, and the people just cry how there'll
Be no gas left for them to pay as they whine
While Tartars wail amid pain as the wrath
Of the Kremlin's sickled past meets present
As it hammers their hearts while pummeling
Their prayers to the tricolor raised in war.

Terrible kills the son of the nation, a Great
Lashes the heir to St. Peter in the sky as he
Left his father's side in the city built upon
A wintery marsh, its blanket of snow, and
How the Holstein princess retracted land
Of her Turkish foes amid tradition's very
Battleground, how Sevastapol has fallen a
Great many times, and now she's in deep
Amid despair, troops snipping wings upon
The flight of a people's sovereignty amid
A nasty day, the Black Sea as eight score's
Tale resides within today's darkest times.

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