Sunday, September 29, 2013

Dangerous Woman Walking the Streets of Atlanta

Dangerous Woman Walking the Streets of Atlanta      
Written in 2002 (Edited on September 29, 2013)

Sultry. Seductive. Delicious.
 A man can look at her one time and he shall be all hers.
 She is the sordid type who causes miles-wide traffic jams 
On Peachtree Street at rush hour, 
Sometimes resulting in the deaths of motorists 
Heading home for the ubiquity of a nightly family dinner.
 Only an intellectual sort should, could, and would 
Devise a plan for solving the eyes-affixing 
"Ailment" that "haunts" mankind; 
They note her beautiful body contortions, 
A parabolic assemblage of her, appendage-by-appendage.

Still, we must never forget the fundamental truth  
That all of Atlanta is under siege: 
Men suddenly ejaculate and leave golden-brown reminders 
On the crotches of their briefs and, 
At worst, bleeding through to their work slacks 
To remind them of their wandering eyes 
Not just to themselves, but their families, 
As well as an alarmingly high rate of fender-benders. 

Yet, the harlot continues to caress the city streets 
With her high heels screaming that sex sells absolute,
 And to arouse wandering eyes in the near-certain assumption
That a case of inadvertent chaos, 
Mostly on the part of the male driver, will occur.
 If this were to escalate into a war of the sexes,
 The female gender is predestined to emerge victorious 
Based upon the premise that their looks kill,
And I, like any other man, am but enslaved 
To the fairests' widespread whimsicality as it shall so suit.

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