Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Everyday is a Failure

Everyday is a Failure                                            September 25, 2013

I pray to God every night
As a good Christian should,
To care for all of my loved ones
And my dear friends, too.
I ask Him for guidance 
To lead me down the path of the righteous,
To sojourn to the twilight of my years
With a lantern serving as my guide.

And yet He says "no" every time,
Always doing so without fail.
He reads to me the Book of Job,
Saying, "Let the Plagues flail!"
He claims I can handle all my woes,
That I am strong as an ox or two,
And yet, I know in my heart of hearts
I will only fail again, and soon.
I am damned to the parade of fools!

Fair child! Look at me well
And see what not to be;
How I fail everyday so miserably,
How no one wishes to be me!
My life of achievements did not make it
Past the hinterlands and hellish flames,
And the bug in my brain speaks to me,
Kicking, screaming, crying,
Lashing out, "You'll never be free of me!"

Set my spirit free, O' Mighty God,
How I have always loved you so! 
I wish to spend a day in Your Light.
How shall I say to my future heirs,
Those in line to be bequeathed my throne!
Is to emulate me a false-positive,
"Trust, but verify" is the key?
And how, my Lord, do I say to them
When they ask about my soul?

I shall say unto them "Everyday is a failure;
I always pray to not awaken the next morn!'

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