Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Laura Ligh Leigh (Edited Version, August 29, 2013)

Laura Ligh Leigh (Edited Version)                                      August 29, 2013

O' how the birds do sing of her euphoric aura! 
And o'! How they do sweeten the dream! 
They give me reason to smile all the time,
Cause they make me think of my Laura Ligh Leigh... 
My Laura Ligh Leigh!

O' how the river winds and the fish do swim!
Through God's perpetuation of everyday life.
Gentle river, crisp ripples of sound bring music to my ears
As I sit along the bank,
Throwing bread crumbs as I watch her dance to Nature!
My Laura Ligh Leigh!

Laura Ligh Leigh! My Laura Ligh Leigh!
Sweetest little girl from Tennessee!
O' I have known now for so many years,
Since nearly the day I was knee high to a toadstool!
Never before have I not seen you smile
Something so wide, wider than a mile!
O' my sister, my precious gift from God!
You are my blood! My Laura Ligh Leigh!

Look at the butterflies flutter their wings!
It happens at a constant; it never dies!
It shall never cease till Winter chills the air,
And then Spring shall arise like a Phoenix a-fire!
The flowers bloom as our precious Gaea feeds,
The colors ubiquitous; we must live beneath a rainbow!
And always, there will be sweet Laura Ligh Leigh,
Dancing beneath God in a sea of green!

Laura Ligh Leigh! My Laura Ligh Leigh!
Sweetest little girl, a spirit always free!
Laura Ligh Leigh! My Laura Ligh Leigh!
The belle of the ball, her life always a dance!
Her zest for life always delivers a smile,
And never shall she acquiesce to the whims of the cold.
Let freedom ring, my sweet Laura Ligh Leigh,
For you hold the key to my happiness and glee!

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