Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Laura (Circa 2004, Edited August 29, 2013)

Laura                 Circa 2004 (Edited August 29, 2013)

It's time to build a boat
And sail the Seven Seas.
'Tis nothing here but baggage;
You'll have to jettison or flee.
Laura, my sister, board your boat
And sail the seas.
Just flee from all of your troubles,
And let God light the path!

Sometimes, it's difficult to discern
Where blue skies meet the sea,
But I know, here on land,
Your troubles will make you bleed.
Laura, my sister, board your boat
And sail the seas,
And onto the sunset,
To your soul's wholesome delight.

Laura, my sister, board your boat
And sail the seas.
You can live for God the enchanted life,
So heed His Call and sail unto the stars.

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