Sunday, September 22, 2013

Unrequited Love

Unrequited Love                                               September 22, 2013

In you, my dear, I see the light of my life,
The lone reason I awaken to each day's strife.
Yet, you view nothing within my soul
Despite my bidding sweet tidings to you,
And I wail upon the hearth 
As the floor mat for my burning heart.
What in you have I seen
That is forbidding you from loving me?
Is it me? Need I lavish you with more gifts
And sweet indulgences?

It seems that life has sprung a flat,
That to love is to be wanton of affection reciprocated,
Yet, I protest that day that love never lived,
When all have said I just have not found her.
But what of you, o' sweet nectar to my soul?
Your countenance is as sweet as either syrup or molasses.
Never have I felt that should I die upon this hearth,
That I would emerge as the phoenix
With broken wings, never to fly to Heaven.

An unrequited love is all I have known,
So much so, I fear I may never recognize
A lady's returning of my just flirtations,
And I shall die alone, a widower only in the death of opportunity
Bereft of any affection, spiritual or no.
I often wonder if I truly know what is love,
If I recognize it as more than banal lust?
Mundane my life has been from the day I was born,
And I fear I shall only have wandered from the womb
To the death of my soul at twilight!

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