Saturday, April 19, 2014

Empty Chamber

Empty Chamber
Written by Jonathan Henderson
Monday April 14, 2014 @ 9:08 PM

Ich bin ein liebhaber, but as the gentle heart throbbing within,
How it cries for a mercy so tender and yet effervescently free
Of the sight of you, and for me? A gentle dribble of a tear rains
Down my right cheek for a second more consistent of many a
Week, a fortnight of eternal despair! I'd like to see if you really
Do read of a presence the flesh shall never appear as if prose
Within a novel or the lyrics of fair Ms. Dickinson, if I ever saw
What the fork in the road of which that laureate spake, or the
Majesty of fate which The Father said is an advice never to be
Necessary to achieve of man's flawed and vain reconciliation? 

My heart explodes within my throat, paralysis abounds, a pain 
I, well-acquainted, shall reap which I sow, and her majestical 
Eyes have it - o' how they sear of my soul's caged parakeet-type
Of despair, how I may bear against you, my love, a wisp of your 
Hair's gentle musings down my back, your lips my body's lone
Masseuse, and how I am stricken of a passion unrequited, and
I nigh see her script before me - o' what a dream my nightmares
Always conceive when that image of your invisible silhouette's
To appear, and all I am to see shall be the fear of my dry barren
Empty chamber! And as with Russian roulette, one day I'll see
That one filled of the six may fire and either kill or seal a fate
Of a heartstring, hollow, flooding it either of her my tears till 
Dry, or ending my winter of discontent till spring everlasting
Remains above the equator - never again shall a season to be
Demarcated till the day scheduled to die, for love is sprung as
Eternal, and so is God, for to we his children, it is His greatest
Heirloom bequeathed of us all.

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