Sunday, April 6, 2014

She's a Rainbow

She's a Rainbow
Written by Jonathan Henderson
Thursday April 3, 2014 @ 11:45 AM

Spring sprung, and the bell has rung, the bees
Buzz around the birds, the butterflies have me,
She hums a sweet tune so divine, and I'm now
No longer mine, but her heart to heat or shred.
She's a rainbow, and I will never find a shinier
Pot of gold from any other emerald isle's glow.

I struck it rich with my fair maiden, an honor
To accompany with her in arm, just to tow my
Load as the hideous half to a gem, no greater
Luster could be found in a De Beers bloodied
Mines, no Austrian sweet chocolate of sublime
Could taste so rich and sweet! A flight of this
Old navigator to the skies of powdered azure's
Cascading to a dance alongside Roy G. Biv, and
I'll stand by my rainbow's treasure amid riches
Unmeasured, unquantifiable, non-qualitative.

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