Sunday, October 6, 2013

Beautiful Fools

 Beautiful Fools          February 23, 2006 (Revised October 6, 2013)
Children gallop wild across the plains
As do gazelles in the open savanna,

Seeking to escape the jaws of a cheetah,
And yet, they are filled with mirth,
An essence lost upon adults,
As we are molded into statues,
Set to govern our Earth.
Perhaps 'tis the children who rule us instead,
As the blithe and beautiful fools for a mome,
Yet the day shall arrive and all must pass,
When they shall learn the Truth
Behind The Lord and His Path.

Spraying graffiti upon the Wailing Wall:
Il est essentiel pour perversion,

Et l'arrivée de la prostituée.
The sign is apparent:
'Tis the Mark of The Beast.
A sign of times hither where my soul dies,
For I feel my son is a foul'd wretch
In a cabal of beautiful fools:
'Tis what they are,
A slew of beauties outward,
But inside, insidiously tangled,
Consumed terribly with flaws.

The times doth change
As the winds blow East,
As the false prophet of our times
Pontificates from his throne:
Charging all who worship Him
As infidels of his domain,
To be sought for "justice,"
And put to the sword.
Foolish are our youth
To revel in devilish schemes:
For once he hath fallen,
And He marches unto Jerusalem,
What shall they do, pray tell,
Upon their interrogation?
What shall become of them
Upon learning of Manchuria's deceit?

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