Monday, October 14, 2013

Farewell Unto Eternity, President Reagan

Farewell Unto Eternity, President Reagan      Circa 2004; Revised October 14, 2013

At the sands of the hourglass descent,
Upon the clock striking midnight,
The carriage you rode victorious
Had morph'd into Jack O' Lanterns:
The magic of the breathing day
Hath descend'd into forever a night,
And yet The New Day hath dawn'd
Upon which Air Force One reach'd
The third star on the left, and you are Home.

Little Man and El Alamein guid'd you Home,
The hope you bequeath'd upon your citizens
Shall finally be known to you; and I say
Unto you, Mr. President, your people doth seek
Your spiritual guidance and humble soul
As you slip Earth's surly bonds to touch God.
Rancho del Cielo seem'd so very high
Upon your first reach towards the stars,
But now all is possible, relevant,
And you may eternally feel His Face.

Lo'! How many sadden'd faces wept upon
Their hearths for days unto nights,
And tho' we shall never forget you, Gipper,
We will recall your colloquial grace.
An American, "Dutch" by a name; and
Another mutt as is so many tend be,
But never fret, you shall surely bet
The lives you touch'd shall be free.
Maggie Thatcher hath just arriv'd;
Tea and crumpets were consum'd,
Tho' too much Scotch imbibed,
And she hath join'd your parade now,
One by Sunset, two by Trafalgar Square.

O'! Mr. President, how I hardly knew you,
For t'was too young to reconcile the polis,
For you embodied the spirit, culture, and life
Of my formative years upon which I am bereft,
And never shall I see your glamorous smile again.

Ronnie, I hardly you knew you, sir,
For I was far too young, playing with toys,
My dolls and figurines took precedent, sir,
And now, I weep upon my reflection
Of what could have been Ideologues Betrothed;
A fraternal trust between my mind and yours.
My daddy always speaks well of you,
Always with a smile and amid a sigh,
Upon his hearkening upon his life,
Our family never before prosper'd so much,
And tho' not in the spirit of polity, I declare:

Reagan! Reagan!
Shall I see your smile?
You are but many a mile
From my abode this day.
As Russian bears rattl'd swords
Upon the time we want'd accords,
You never blinked an eye 
In foolish Deference.

 Look at the suit and your fox trot to boot!
Lo'! How you shall be forever alive,
For the meek inherit the earth, they say,
For your soul was of the Illinois grain,
But I defy those who would deter
The memory of a communicator so great,
And upon further review, they are fools;
They shall be forever fools to lose.

Had his interface result'd in pixil rule,
Pac-Man would never have eaten full
His enemies, once ghosts, now idiots
Along the Leftist Rags, those press mongrels,
And Old Glory, again bereft of soul,
Calls upon a name now deceas'd in infinitum,
And yet, there is you, Mr. President, as you wave
First in the hearts of your countrymen, and
To the people you prais'd for their worth, not Sam;
Let him rest peacefully, my friends left and right,
For President Reagan shall know eternal light.


Reagan! Reagan! By all means, sir,
 Shall we sing of your happy life by night
Instead those compos'd in gray?
A champion of liberty, consumed by God,
A love for America, the emoting of poise,
A nation once broken, you coalesced
Into an aristocracy of virtue and ingenuity,
The intent of our brilliant Founders;
About which the Sage of Monticello spake.

You, President Reagan, embody the Spirit of '76;
We shall never forget you, nor your countenance:
For while we are still amid mourning in America,
There shall always be for Eternity
A morning's sunrise in accordance with God.


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