Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Magister           May 15, 2005 (Revised October 16, 2013)

Magister: Latin for "teacher"

Remember, my friend, those times past
When we boys and girls let our childhoods fly
In your presence, in the glimmer of your eyes?

Remember standing before young audiences
On your pulpit, teaching of the instances,
Of what is, what is not, and what shall forever be?

And do you recall preaching to the youth much
Of your life's experiences: the good, bad, and such,
And teaching to us: 'Tis all the price we pay to be free?

Well I remember those times so well,
And I have many a story for you to tell.
You and I have such a bond, magister,
For you taught me to reach for dreams, to dare.
There shall come a time to fold wings, to fly away,
But my memories of you shall never wander astray.
O' Magister! How I shall remember you each day!

Do you still recall how I fell on my knees,
So long in direction, near my care sans keys,
When I thought I had simply nothing left?

Do you recall the caring words you expressed
To me, an emphasis upon the import, you impressed,
And you assisted in the reawakening of my dead spirit?

Remember when all these moments occurred,
Whether they were said or acted upon by written word?
O! I do, Magister! You mean so much to me!

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