Sunday, October 6, 2013

Lonesome Road

Lonesome Road           April 16, 2006 (Revised October 6, 2013)
Driving along a road to Nowhere fast,
Rounding curves whilst the radio sings,
Never aware of my surroundings
Nor what goes "bump" in the night;
Things could go awry when they should be right.
I shed a tear, panicking, greatly in fear,
Wondering what is left mine eyes have not seen.
I s'pose, tho', 'tis the way life should be,
For all must sojourn the lonesome road indeed.
My lady abandoned me for her viande du jour,
For what, tho', I shall never know.
She said upon her leave I shall never comprehend,
Failing to realize how correct she was indeed.
Ever since, I drink myself into new black holes:
One big fish into whom you could fit a lure.
If you throw to me your worm,
'Tis a crying shame indeed;
For I shall certainly lunge as le 
pêche du jour.
Lo'! How I have been a fool so many a time!
Too many to count, and it should be a crime!
I left my occupation by calling in dead,
Telling The Boss I shall be six feet beneath instead!
Nowadays, I find myself commiserating dans le silence
On the comforts of my couch and the stench it wreaks,
Counting each second the ridges upon the ceiling,
Never wanton for, nor with a care of a life sans drear.

This is my sojourn down that lonesome road:
'Tis always the most painful path of them all!

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