Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Lay Me Down Slowly

Lay Me Down Slowly                      January 7, 2014

I'm so very tired you all, but I digress to you,
You rode that catfish hard, Slew-Foot Sue,
But Norte México needs to rest and unwind.

I've known I would see the Lone Star's soul,
We crossed Rio Grande and her catfish bowl,
And the Okies of lore packed such a punch.

But I say unto you now, my Slew-Foot Sue,
I wish always to only speak and see of you,
I would travel across the desert plains for you.

Please, my fair Sue,
Lay me down slowly,
My body is sore, too.
You love me surely,
But I seem so surly,
Hitch the wagons!
Ride to the West!
 Get out your guns!
We'll build our nest!

We cowpokes, we pioneer folks,
You and I, Sue, and I shall sigh,
I lassoed a twister, and it sulks.

And now you wish to leave me behind,
But why, pray tell, are you being unkind?
Is this old land not enough for you to see
The nightly sky, the blackened, eternal sea,
And you feel you must ride off high away
From me as you reach for the earthly moon?

Please, my fair Sue,
Lay me down slowly,
And I shall assure you
I will love you wholly,
The life we shall lead
Will take us to night:
You will never need
Another to feel right.

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