Sunday, January 26, 2014

Whenever You Want to Fly Away

Whenever You Want to Fly Away
Written by Jonathan Henderson
January 26, 2014 @ 8:37 PM

Whenever you want to fly away,
I will be here, hand always opened.
I have waited for you many a day,
Now I wish to fly 'round the bend.
As two angels in the sky, my love,
Our wings a-fluttering as our hearts
Tell tales of two lovers like a glove,
For we fit well, as Life soon starts
Immediately upon the line, as God
Sounds His horn for us as His laud:
Allow the doves fly in circles around
Our lives, once lost, but now found.

Whenever you want to fly away,
Always wave that hand as you say
We'll sail the skies, singing a lullaby,
Always lighting our candle in a sigh.
Life never gave any quarter or three,
But it betrothed to us two always one.
Let us sail the skies until we are free,
Since for us, there'll be but one sun.
Upon the wake of our earthly mists,
Our ascent towards the blue heavens
Is marked by our guided light's tryst
And anchoring at God as our bevens.

Upon arriving at our destination,
There is no future nor darkest past,
And amid our act of procreation,
Our love's legacy shall always last.

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