Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Shall We Drink A New?

Shall We Drink A New?                      January 1, 2014

The crystal ball again descends
 Into another post annos demise,
Finalized upon fair and venerable,
That well-lit soul: Time Square;
As children play pre-clock morn
 Till hitting the Sandman's hay,
While the champagne bubbles
 And overflows the sky away.

And a new year has arisen again
 Upon one and all; we rejoice, and
A renewed horizon for each soul,
A beacon of hope for all; and
As the music courses through me
 And all my once-deadened veins
Of we the common folk singing as
 Our souls coming to dance this old jig.

At the ans de vieux outdoor ballroom
 The dropping of the year's end ball!
You, my good sir! Please rejoice!
 Spread around to all the confetti! 
Laissez les bons temps rouler,
 S'il vous plait, Monsieur Première!
As I await the time of the parade
 Of the bands, floats with those roses:
As Pasadena's aroma is glorious,
 The bands all quite so very fine!

It shall only be upon the end
Per annum a revolution; and
Of an old decrepit man and
 His waning days, year; and of 
The death of the old codger,
 That blackened hearted soul
Amid his scripted accounts
Of each their flawed year so.

The stork shall deliver upon
 All a newborn per the rooster
Upon the dawn on the horizon
 Of the moonlit morning sun; but
I digress, Hope springs Eternal,
 Yesteryear is just another goodbye, 
While the young shall relinquish the
 Dying curmudgeon's chilled hand.

Shall we drink a new amid
 Our celebration renewed,
And I ask my dear friends,
 What shall we do, say you?
 To drink, be merry, refined?
As I say onto you, dear friends:
 I'm another "Little Boy Blue,"
How I'd fancy the passing
Of my newly founded time!

Rock 'n Roll never sounded
So alive within my revived soul,
As I drink to all of thee within
This happiness we're begat,
Never allowing the memories
Of Dick Clark ever to fade:
He rock 'n rolled all night, and
 Partied each and everyday!
Forty times upon the whitest
 And bleak Decembrist revolts;
And my! How I was out of tune 
At his new angel wings he flew!

Shall we drink a new? Oui?
 My beloved friends and loves,
As we choose between the dive
 Or the bland soupe du jour?
Oh, the times are quite tough,
 But we shall always persevere
As the stork delivers to one and
 All a newborn babe at Renewal:
The new year is born to hear
 Of Lord Jesus' calling His Disciples,
His Truth is sought; and how
We shall ever reap true salvation!

But I shall still make use of my
 New gloves and hiking boots, as
Into the frigid end of the year's
 Night time, to beseech The Father
A posterity of a final celebrating
 Fair Love's rewards and flirtations!
Jack Frost's nip: How so frigid!
 He shall be loathed and cursed,
But not my Hope in my Soul
 As this is new year's first morn!

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