Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Old Man, Look at My Life

Old Man, Look at My Life
Written by Jonathan Henderson
January 21, 2014 @ 3:20

Old man, look at my life,
And I'll always follow you.
When I see all of the strife,
The people live to cry away.
But old man, shall we state
That we'll spread the news,
When the one and only flies,
Will others say "goodbye"?

Old man, we are godly souls
And I sing for those so lesser
Endowed with Him a beloved
Life sans our faith does beget.
And old man, just look at you,
As you flee high unto the sun.
But as I see my beloved near,
I'll be pleased to be by her side.

And old man, what'll they say
When your life descends there?
What'll they say when you do
See His light, when your wings
Reach the light dimming your
Days? And old man, will you
Cry? Will you cry as you fade?
We are one with the ages, as we
Ascend His Steppes to Heaven.

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