Friday, January 24, 2014

Please Come to My Highlands for a Spell

Please Come to My Highlands for a Spell
Written by Jonathan Henderson
January 24, 2014 @ 9:39 PM

Please come to my highlands for a spell
From the hinterlands of the Wild West,
As I will cascade my love from my well.
Don't waste a second escaping its behest
While the banjos duel upon our fairy tale,
For upon your arrival, we'll sip of our grail.
If you fail to abscond here from her Hills,
These ancient Smoky Mounts will collapse
As the Son of Morning's fiery breath kills,
For upon the moment my will shall lapse,
I shall wither as a flower to a wintry death
As if I, a dogwood, in Blackberry's breath.

Shall we bask in the brisk Southern breeze
As tall amber waves of grain dance in seas,
With the fish being us, just two fish alone
Within a school of none but the unknown:
The unknown perhaps a clipper's a-sailing
Across that still calm before a raging tempest
Never allowing her gale of Hatred assailing
The heart, soul, and that which is our test...

... a world where only the highlands may unite
The rugged Scotsman and the belle from the L.A. night.

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