Saturday, February 8, 2014

A Night of Lighted Day

A Night of Lighted Day
Written by Jonathan Henderson
Saturday February 8, 2014 @ 7:35 AM

Awakened, I do not deserve nor desire
For I do not possess within me any fire
As my conscience lies beneath of me
That, which foretold, will slew me, see?
And when my mind departs in finality
As I take cold and lose all personality
What say you, oh darling temptress?
Will you ascend my soul to feel bliss
In Heaven? Or play me as a requiem
And the key to Pandora's Box, I, grim?
And what say you, harlot of the Styx?
You'll have me not again to deep six,
And yet, I, the decadent, haven't a say
As I descend into a night of lighted day.

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