Friday, February 7, 2014

As Tears Go By

As Tears Go By
Written by Jonathan Henderson
Friday February 7, 2014 @ 10:27 PM

My mother, how I wish you could know
The pain searing within my brutish soul
When I cross the lines our paths decry
As I weep within when the clouds burst
Amid my seeking your approval in spite.
I wish to embrace of you within my heart
I have never known a peace inside exist.
Thirty-two strained years, so scarred, and
How I'll always bleed one pint everyday.
The horrors I scream amid my deafened
Silenced despair, and cry, hoping you'll
Care, and I wish to take you by the hand,
Never letting you go, for you'll always
Set free the monster just as tears go by.

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