Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Revolutionary Road

Revolutionary Road
Written by Jonathan Henderson
Tuesday, February 4, 2014 @ 8:06 PM

Sanctimonious blips on the ol' radar screen
Thinking they know what I should've seen,
And now sadly, I'm coerced to pay for sins
Not committed other than being like as I am.
If that ain't good enough, well bye! Giddy-up! 
And I'll hitch my wagon, cross her frontier's
Glorious fields of wheat and her amber grain.
The spirit I once knew has died! O' America!
Where have you disappeared? Why'd you die?
Coasting through bluest seas of skies, I sifted
Through my baggage, just wondering where
I will see the torch of Lady Liberty from sea
West to my tranquil waters, but then, they're
Here to take my guns, like those Red Coats
Back thither in Concord, and it seems oh so
Long how it used to be free for all to believe.
Revolutionary Road died on her cobbled streets.  

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