Saturday, February 1, 2014

Appalachia, My Soul is Yours

Appalachia, My Soul is Yours
Written by Jonathan Henderson
February 1, 2014 @ 1:01 AM

My beloved Appalachia, my soul is yours.
Never do I identify with that but my lands.
Autumn flames burn bright on your floors,
Mother Nature's sky torches her cold bands
As you like it! My ancestral Scots-Irishmen!

Hiking atop Mount LeConte, my kilt upon I,
Retracing my ancestors roots as they're part
Of my heritage, as history chronicles, for my
Love of Appalachia's clime hearken their start 
 In a New World: she's my ancestral clan anew.

Glasgow, Edinburgh, Fife nigh St. Andrews,
A soul from the bagpipers' highlands should
Endow their New Eden, as less meant to lose,
The Scots-Irishmen built homes of His wood:
The earth so pure, gave life where death might.

As they staked claim to this unmolested country
The likes of which I will never see thither again,
My! the master and commander of what is free
And I may only waste a precious second in grin.
This land, your land and mine, is new Scotland.

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