Saturday, February 1, 2014

Journey into the Land of Milk and Honey

Journey into the Land of Milk and Honey
Written by Jonathan Henderson
January 31, 2014 @ 10:46 PM

The past bites taken have been bitter
Pills to swallow, and not ever finished.
The pancakes at morn with the syrup
 Are sullied even as the sugar permeates.
But I see the caravan arriving to take
Me home to Glory, my guiding equine
And scores of souls within my heart,
And I love all until the end of my days,
And I'll abscond from this murkiness
Into a land of milk and honey, per Him.

Let there be light to this new day, O' Lord!
Let freedom soar as your doves will glide,
Carrying within their talons Peace in Love,
And I will sing of my Lord praising of Him!
I'd like to rewrite a few wrongs I've made,
And though that's impossible, the soul's 
Renewal shall never be, and I will reach for
My new homeland He always promised me.

I seek my Pax Romani amid each sunrise,
To feel serene, the heart slow amid an ease,
The love of The One who loves all other, and
For all to see for Eternity His promise to thee.
Let me reach deep within, pull out my heart
As I bleed for the pitiful, and I'll pray for you
To see as do I, for though I am a wanderer,
I hear of His call to reach, to touch a troubled
Soul, to dig deep within my soul that giving
Fire as I found my land of milk and honey:
My state of mind and being has liberated me.

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