Monday, February 3, 2014

Il Mio Cantos per Voi (Translation: "My Cantos for You" in Italian)

Il Mio Cantos per Voi*
Written by Jonathan Henderson
Monday, February 3, 2014 @ 11:57 AM

I sing to you, Isabella, my darling, dearest,
These cantos for my plight o' so sincerest.
I love only for you, oh my fairest Isabella,
When it rains coarse, I'll be your umbrella.

Shall we sing to thee, my fair Isabella, dear,
Of the news? How our time has come near?
Shall we shed Love's tear amid a good cry?
Don't ask me why, my Love, don't ask why.

Galloping 'cross the hillside of greenery,
I and my 'Bella a-back see many a-tree,
Then saw a specter! Shall we fly a-free?
To the sea! You and me? 'Tis His decree!

Virgin Mary and His Padre, what you say?
Bella and I shall kneel and without a delay!
You say, you say, all day, we marry today?
Upon our nuptials, I'll croon to her all day.

Mystified magisterial son! Lo! How you be!
You are the one, my oracle who'll always see.
Sing! Sing! I came to thee for a read at Delphi,
And I wish Isabella betrothed me from a-high!

Si! Si! Si! And Isabella, I hope you will agree
That upon the dawn of Hesperus, we shall be
Sailing 'cross stars amid this very calm wave
We bleeding hearts pour on, Fate did deprave.

My dear Isabella! Tis our Troy forevermore,
And I shall spread to thee love to your core.
There'll not be any equine begetting us to tore
I'll sing to you, fair Bella! Lest I'm to deplore.

*Il Mio Cantos per Voi means "My Cantos for You" in Italian

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