Sunday, February 2, 2014

Mon Cher, It's Just Another Day

Mon Cher, It's Just Another Day
Written by Jonathan Henderson
February 2, 2014 @ 5:46 PM

Mon cher, it's just another day
To awaken, brew some coffee:
Always good to the last drops.
Watch the eagles fly to liberty's
Drum beats, and as they reach
Walden Pond, and you're there,
Oh yes. You are. Just breathe.

The air supply ends only when
You do not seek to be refreshed.
The heart shall only bleed of thee
When you're sad 'cause your blue.
And I find the time to sing for me
As if duty calls, and Nature sees,
And I sing of all the flowers within
Her majesty's golden brown hair...

Mon cher, I plea, do not cry,
For we're not eagles, but doves
Who coast 'cross Heaven's skies.
While we fly, the angels herald
A new life by once per second.
Renewal shall be free, mon cher,
If you will just take His Hand.

Be free! Liberty's always at hand!

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