Monday, February 3, 2014

The Deafened Listener's Muted Cries

The Deafened Listener's Muted Cries
Written by Jonathan Henderson
Monday, February 3, 2014 @ 10:51 PM

He hears those cries of hummingbirds
Flying thither and hitherto, but he lies
Amid his stately walls, billowed pads,
The faucet always dripping downward,
His eyes, dilated, but he sees you true,
The sum of the parts are glue, see you?
He'll cry, yet it always remains unheard.

His arms are tied, that deafened listener,
Hearing his soul and craving yours, too,
He wishes he didn't live within that shoe,
Always the sinner one times two or three.
Sailing the black seas of fairest Thorazine
I do believe, you see? He's always to cry.
Dropping to my knees, wounded they'll be,
 Pray for his soul, for he's a wretch like me:
Let The Power of the Blood free his soul!

Tremoring his life as he screams his plight,
The deafened listener on the cold fish night
As he cries, but he cannot hear nor can we,
And I see horrors I'll not ever can believe. 
His mind is a tempest of impossible terrors,
And I? But a reprobate, his lock and key...

... O'! Let him be, my Lord! Set him free!
For if You fail, he shall sail down that river
To his sea as the sailor sans a soul, and O'!
He ain't been free! Save that deafened mute
Before Bermuda's grasps reaches out in clasp
To steal what very little soul he still has... O'!
I see! I see! Light! The Lighthouse burns so,
And He answered his plight! Bleed, Yeshua!
May You Bleed! The deaf mute, do you see?
Heal him to hear his screams, and his dreams
Shall in faith come along, what dare they be....

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