Saturday, February 1, 2014

A Sea of Dying Dreams

 Sea of Dying Dreams
Written by Jonathan Henderson
February 1, 2014 @ 6:03 AM

My clipper sails across surly tempestuous waters
As Poseidon from his abyss blew us a fierce gale.
I thought I was so fortunate, but he never agrees,
For Poseidon's exposed to everyone my failures.
I thought I loved once upon a time, at times twice,
But if I were honest, I'd said I loved all my muses
Once upon a night, but I'd say only about thrice.
Many a time, my number's been called: excuses,
Though, saved me anguish, yet torched me so...
... O'! Wouldn't you know how I am my own foe?

Still, my clipper coasts across the unsettled anger,
Still seeking my dream always definitive of myself,
And yet, I find a beautiful choir amid a foggy mist:
  Sing! Mermaids Sing! My mates and I are yours now!
So many to love, and I the poet with ink and a pen,
Painting many muses to capture their songs again,
But the notes aren't kind, and we're now quite deaf.
The songs to the men, so many, hypnotize us in kind.

Fair Aegea! I beseech of you to reveal my dreams,
But I wonder my decade of pushing a boulder high
Shall pound away at me until I'll bust at the seams.
What was once now isn't, and if ever we are to die
Or has eternal life smitten minds, yet not the heart?
I'm at sea off the Carolina coast in a triangle's feud,
She's sunk a-many brethren, her methods so crude.
Triangle, I beseech you! I am rabid; you killed me,
If I look hard, all is dark, my sea of dying dreams. 

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