Monday, February 10, 2014

It's Just Another Day

It's Just Another Day
Written by Jonathan Henderson
Monday February 10, 2014 @ 12:50 AM

Tragedy by day, and a haunting by night,
He's a bloke morally broke, a cent corrupt
To leave you while you held his hand soft
And now, you cry, the tears all are wrought.
Dreaming away and your day was lost, but
The sands were just a goodbye to his loss.
I see within your eyes resolve as your tears
Beget anger, and your mind, a raging bull.

It's just another day of a new sunrise upon
The horizon, with a warm kiss on your cheek
As your tears dry and those sands descend.
Go out and meet Joe Blow, for he won't know
Where his soul might take him other than you.

The day is to dawn upon the rooster's crows,
Five or six, 'tis pickup sticks, your day anew.
The smile lights the once-darkened clouds of
Yesterday's fiendish abhorrent misdeeds, 'tis
Gone along as Big Ben's last seconds ticks.
The love you make will be the love you take
From a knight shining in armor you'll not bet.

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