Tuesday, July 23, 2013

A Tale of Two Times a Day

A Tale of Two Times a Day                              November 11, 2004

For the first two hour forty-five, there was light. 
Then, at quarter to the third, there came the gray. 
What once was happiness abound 
Now was a somber piece of nostalgia, 
A relic of a past filled with giggles and grins. 
I reminisce to that time where the sun's rays 
Showered its life-giving presence upon we here 
On the earth, and we danced. Yes, we danced. 
We danced a spiritual dance in a circle with tambourines, 
Whooping chants resonating through the air. 
We all fell down into the grass, 
Long, waving, tall grass, uncut by any Billy Bobs, 
And rolled around like silly little children. 
And then, the gray clouds came. 
They dumped rain on us and ruined our party, 
And it was as if Mommy called for her children. 
It was so cold so suddenly. So suddenly. 
The sun was gone. Just...gone. 
And all the kiddies went in doors. To play with toys? 
What will I to do with my spare time? 
There's a bed with my name on it, 
And damn it all if I won't use it. 
Nighty-night, everyone. Hope there will be a better day. 

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