Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Ruby Red

Ruby Red                       June 10, 2012

Here she comes
Like a bat out of hell,
Coming over toward me.
If I had to guess,
Well, I'd digress,
And just say,
"Well, I've been had."

And here I am,
Acting like I don't give a damn,
But God knows I really do.
And in the moment,
I think, "What about Lent?"
Guilty pleasures are
One of the deadly seven.

And is it wrong
To be guiltier than hell,
As I write down this poem for you?
Need I be embarrassed to say
I'd like to have my way
With that temptress
I like to call "Ruby Red"?

Well, Ruby Red, 
You're one luscious piece of meat.
You're one tasty little tart on the town.
And Ruby Red, Ruby Red,
So devilish, and I have bled
Because your sexy self stole my heart.
Unfortunately, you're a shooting star,
Got to make your rounds near and far.
Oh Ruby Red, how you've left me in tatters!
It's off to the races for more country matters!

You know I can't wait for her to return,
For each day I wait, the more I yearn.
Ruby Red is but a simple seductress about town,
And she always leaves me lying down.
But I know one thing - this I know,
And it's that my fantasies will continue to grow
Until Ruby Red returns from the hinterlands abroad
To tend to my every whim and lighten my rod....

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