Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Absolut Sunset Over Mother Russia

Absolut Sunset Over Mother Russia               June 15, 2012 (Which was my 31st birthday)

You once were proud
Despite your evil.
You once were strong
In spite of a cold, dark heart.
Oh Mother Russia, oh don't you long for
The day where you really meant more?
Don't you cry for the time
When you had a sense of national pride?
You once were sturdy
Beneath a tsar's thumb,
Though you had a mean streak
When it came to your subject's bickers.
You once were wild
As a Siberian brown bear,
When the cossacks' wrath
Was as swift as the blade.
And you once stood firm
Behind an iron curtain,
Strong in conviction,
Though terrified of the bald eagle.
You once were so many things,
And now you aren't anymore.
You lived on a prayer, than didn't,
And now you're barely living at all....
And while you're dying,
There's an Absolut sunset
Over Mother Russia.
I'd drink up now,
But it'll just be there tomorrow.
And while you're standing there,
Pinning the people beneath your heel,
In the name of a "democratic process,"
"All you have won
Is another century in the dumps.

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