Thursday, October 24, 2013

A Shooting Star

A Shooting Star                          October 24, 2013

A shooting star was extinguish'd in Life
If only that were to be the Truth,
For the sweet little girl shall ne'er die
So long as we shall remain alive.
The sands of time descend'd 'pon her flesh
And hath pass'd unto Eternity's abode,
For only then she hath exit'd Stage Right
Of Life's melodramatic cast upon this night.

And the sweet little girl could only smile
When Humanity was amid her eyes;
A humor so infectious, and countenance, fair,
And she hath spread her spirit abroad!
Lo'! How I do wonder how it be so!  
She ne'er shed a single tear in fear
Of existing post mortem away from here
And her family she held dear;
Of this, did she ever listen to the fear?

A world shall always hold your candle,
Always lit fresh, each and ev'ryday; and
God hath set you by His side
As you break a piece of His bread.
And so, my dear, sweet little girl,
How we shall ne'er bid thee farewell!
For the time shall come when all will sing;
Herald'd as angels amid your eyes!

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