Friday, October 18, 2013


Dreamer                          January 27, 2007 (Revised October 18, 2013)
Duermo todo el día en directo;
'Tis for you, Blue; 'tis bad Spanish
For no particular reason t'all.
O'! I can see things so clearly
When I am awake in my slumbers;
O'! I can see things very well,
Enough to inquire if It is The Grail;
Enough to cry foul 'pon the le faux bois;
And yet you say I am but a dreamer;
Ergo, I am but Liturgy's misfit.
'Tis sinful to speak of a day in time
When the dream doth fly as the time sails,
When mothers smile, the children play,
When we each may grow old
With our lover till we are gray.
O'! I can see things so clearly now
Amid my unconscious expanding mind.
The sun ne'er sets nor the rooster crows
For I can see all so clearly well;
And yet I am but a dreamer; 'tis a sin,
And I am relegat'd to the Holy Roller's jail.

O'! Siddhartha! Where art thou?
Are we to reach Nirvana sans losing our grip?
Will we see The Light? Our spirits be free?
Shall we agree to disagree, only to agree?
What is a world t'were it not for its gods?
Would we sit and ponder life's odds?
What if The Bible is at odds with us?
What if it is that and a material manifest?
Could we then be free to abscond in absentia?
Criticize me if you dare! O' Wick'd Monstrosity!
For I shall grin, say, "I am a dreamer!"
Lovers sail amid her high blue seas;
Gods live atop mounts, clouds above trees.
What is matter and shall it be call'd God?
What is the meaning? Why so odd?
Why do I inquire what is on stone?
Am I but a sinner, just black to the bone?
Is Jesus My Reason, the season, that?
What is to happen if I call the pastor and that?
Am I a heathen? Shall you call me a fool?
Or am I a dreamer questioning The Golden Rule?
I seek a New World where I am to be free;
No ties to bind, and I may fly with wings
As if doves amid the heavens, her angelic choir,
And a god who serves me, ne'vr hold me to a wire.
If not for me, no deities could exist; and
Yet I am inform'd I must live beneath His Fist.
'Tis all so bizarre, we art borne of sin,
Despite all I do to be good again; and still again!
Why alienate souls who inquire You of Truth?
Is it a crime to hold ardors for a sleuth?
Serve me well! For I keep thee alive!
For if not this dreamer, you shall ne'vr survive!

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