Wednesday, October 16, 2013

How Many Lonely Nights Shall I Face Amid Your Darkness?

How Many Lonely Nights Shall I Face Amid Your Darkness?
January 28, 2007 (Revised October 16, 2013)

I never knew 'till sunset
The definition of Night
Till I lost the ability
To close thy eyes.
'Tis far darker

Than it doth appear;
'Tis all so opaque,
For sometimes one

May consider a night sky
Wanton of the existence

Of a shooting star.
Yet, I am amid a sojourn

For a fortnight, longer;
And I now may admit,

Free and unfettered,
I now am sentient 'pon

The sun setting unto Night.
'Tis times I wonder 
What it is to be in life
When the lights are out,

The skies darken'd;
The mind, restless

Till it appears to be barren,
For t'will be nothing for it

To rest upon, 'tis my fear.
They measure my mind

Amid scales at a healthy 146;
But I was aged a baker's dozen; 

T'was so long ago; and yet
I am a cerebral vagabond today

Forevermore, ad infinitum;
And I desire to learn 

If thy mind shall assimilate
With that of Our Lord, Thy God.
Shall I? Shall I ever face 

His Terrible Wrath?
Shall the morn bequeath 

'Pon a new Pax Romani?

What is life 'pon 

The death of His Light?
What shall happen 'pon 

The death of the Universe's breath?
Doth you still color Night navy blue

Rather than paltry and opaqu'd Black?
What, pray tell, is akin 

To Life regarding Normalcy!
What is your Knowledge of Truth

Amid the night skies opaque,
Of when the seas doth mingle in

A tryst with her billow'd clouds?
Am I to gain a simple grasp

Of Matter's complexities, origins?
How many more lonely nights

Shall I breathe the same air as today?
Am I destin'd to slumber amid

The moonlit auspices o'er the bay?
'Tis getting very exhaustive, 
This perpetuating nuit de la solitude;
'Tis a path arduous, 

T'will never slow for my mind to rest.
The ambiance is hazy; 

'Tis the acquistion of age, cantankery
As I have arriv'd 'pon the doorsteps

 Of a quarter-century's age.
Come now, Ides of June!

 Shall I remain'd humbl'd, lost, astray?
Shall I permit my mind to wander 

To the isle of St. Helena
Amid the undulating of guards

Descriptive of the Atlantic?
I feel you, O' Bonaparte!

'Tis a life begot to self-loathe
When the lights die and

The One 'tis not home;
I shall forevermore grieve

Till Sisyphus' night ceases!

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