Sunday, October 13, 2013

For My Fair Stephanie: An Elegy of a Love Lost to the Verdict of Time

For My Fair Stephanie: An Elegy of a Love Lost to the Verdict of Time
Written originally in 2003; Revised on October 13, 2013

Part I.

As a feather begat by the heron's circling, 
You drift'd into my life via my heart's cries.
I question'd whether you were an angel
And The Lord doth affirm'd its validity. 
The times? The time were grand, 
And the first kiss surviv'd to see Eternity,
If only but for one brief romantic second,
As time is relative; our lives fleeting.

O' Stephanie! How you detect things within
My soul to which others are forever blind,
And yet, I let you fly away to a posterity
Bereft of my presence and a conjugal relation;
And because God said it would have been,
The angels have wept; 'tis the cascades of rain,
And yet, this wound'd wander'r shall tarry
Unto whatever void Eternity's sunset begets:

And so I say unto you, fair Stephanie,
How in spirit, I shall never leave your side:
In spirit, in sickness, as in health as well,
We shall always be as one, in my mind, spirit,
The soul shall never cease; we live ad infinitum.

Part II.

As the second hand ticks oblivioni
And the sands' descent upon us hath wrought,
Our time in the sun hath pass'd, an agonizing death,
And yet, I shall continue searching for you,
Sailing the skies which blend into her seas, azure,
Until upon the time we shall be together again.
O'! If I must, fair Stephanie, mon amour,
I shall manifest two wax wings, sail for the sun:
'Tis better to have hope for a posterity depriv'd,
Of your soft fingers' touch, bereft of your kiss
Than for my precious memories to be pilfer'd:
For at least with memories, we may yet fly as one!

And so I say unto you, fair Stephanie:
I shall never abandon the ardor of your memory,
For in spirit, we shall always sojourn side-by-side,
Even in death, which hath no power
Over the love for one, the desire for her affections.
The soul shall never cease; we live ad infinitum.

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