Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The Dying

The Dying                 May 26, 2007 (Revised October 16, 2013)
A face of consternation
Stemming from alienation,
And I lie down 'pon

 The base of the mount
To view the shiny stars,
Some shooting, others not;
And through this, tho',
I am sans a single care
Save for the pressures
Consuming my blacken'd heart.

I thought I might perish,
And I do not think I would care,
For may one truly feel alive
Upon the maggots, hungry,

Feasting 'pon him?
Whatever, so I shall claim;
I think I may well be,
As with all the fish

Swimming within the sea.
This world is hardly worthwhile
As a place to reside for me.
No pulse, and I shall not
Rotate that dial;
Let nature run its course,
For I am just rank and file.
All I care is to be free,
And whilst here, I shall never be.
Lock down! Land Ho!
And 'tis the punisher
With his instruments of torture
To take my life,
But I feel he may see
That within me; for
All he must do, you see,
Is to simply leave me be.
He shall never need to flog me.
My flesh is the ultimate pain.

Moments spent dying
Whilst I gasp for air, 

Thy nerves tremor;
And yet, the world

Hath the balls to say
I am nothing else

But a hypochondriac!
There are no rhymes
Nor intelligible reasoning
To think this to be

 A happy season for me
When ev'ry moment is really
A locust storm to commiserate,

Biblical in proportion.

Sure, I have slic'd thrice
My left arm 'fore; and
Bled myself a bit of scarlet

Till her fibrin dried,
But then some wounds
Shall never heal, friend,
And I shall never do so

 Till the Kingdom Come.
'Tis the deal, my friends!

'Tis the deal, you see?
For I consider The Dealer to be
The real bad guy, c'est vrai!

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