Thursday, October 10, 2013

Cleopatra, originally written November 15, 2005; revised October 9, 2013

Cleopatra                         November 15, 2005 (Revised October 9, 2013)

The sands of time hath descend'd with regrets,
But History's annals still retain her total recall: 
You, Cleopatra, a lover of rulers and glutton for intrigue,
Cast erotic spells as your votre diplomatie de choix.

O' Fair Cleopatra! How you shall never know!
How you shall never know the truth if it be told!
You are no longer among the living caste,
But rather schmoozing in Death's peanut gallery.
So long as Death finds its way to the backdoor,
You shall always find that Life is the eternal whore,
And Cleopatra, never shall you rue the day to reckon
Where the sun did not set and the asp's appetite was whet:
Just walk alongside Ra and let your ka fly eternal!

Love was never anything but the name to your game,
For Caesar, a nude centerfold in you was unrolled.
Power had begat upon your political ardors,
Rome had conquer'd the known land of the West.
But for all to the victor that was bequeathed the spoils,
Caesar's marriage to Calpurnia was a ruse, with she the pupa :
And you, Queen Cleopatra, rul'd the dictator Caesar:
A power base predicated upon licentious endeavors,
The source of his legitimacy resid'd within the debent Nili.

The trip to Tarsus bore most amorous of fruits
Amid mitigating her kingdom's plight post the Ides of March.
A timeless tryst with the triuvir Marc Antony ensued
As she align'd herself and body with him in politice
Amid the acrimonial emoting of Octavian Augustus
As the fight for power bore little more for Antony
Than love so epic, 'tis the subject of drama,
And in luctuosa more, Death bid them Love Eternal.

A love so timeless, 'tis the standard it sets:
So precious, so ordain'd, yet it lives beyond Osiris' realm.
Was it an asp or poison? Forever we shall debate,
But the legacy remains from that quite far,
For the ardors between Anthony and fair Cleopatra remain
The greatest fairy tale love story in History:
Yesteryear, today, and for its eternal posterity.

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