Friday, October 18, 2013

One Gun Shy of Life

One Gun Shy of Life                 November 1, 2008 (Edited October 18, 2013)

As I stare down His barrel,
A lifetime flies unto Eternity
'Fore it speaks of its peace.
O'! But the gun hath said
There shall be no such thing,
That life cannot exist
Now that sociopath
Rap'd you, but so slow; and
Exuding a curse 'pon you
Un visuel de la mort.
With his racing cap, and
A resolve, empty, sans morale,
He had only within his soul
To feign a threat so dire,
Calling me "thus and such"
Over and again; so that
He may abscond with the money:
To run towards a Lone Star luau.

O'! That gun owns me now,
For I hath not a clue how.
The natives, restless; and
Always the wildebeests they be;
Are busy amid their slot machines,
Winning t'all times o'er me. 
They pull the levers, I do not see;
And I am bleeding; my scarlet flows,
And yet 'tis far deeper, yes,
So much bleaker, and I am to die?
Ev'ryday is not God's play date,
Yet Death is my twin bill, my check;
Paying my way to his river daily,
For I am but one gun shy of life, and I
Shall ne'er again see my soul 
Nor the day cometh The Light.

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