Sunday, October 6, 2013

An Adulteress' Lies Before My Very Eyes

An Adulteress' Lies Before My Very Eyes     March 31, 2006 (Revised October 6, 2013)

I witnessed you in bed

With that other bloke,
With an indolent glare,
And O'! So uncouth.
A stare so puzzling
With him flying hard,
What we had then
Simply never was.
You looked upon me
As a convict of Lust,
A prisoner of a crime
Found guilty of Passion:
An adulteress with lies;
How oft have you lied?
Never have you worn such
On your person before,
But you seemed adorned
In scarlet stripes in the nude.
You tried to quell me
By claiming "All is well;
'Tis not what it seems:
Just friends, and nothing more."
A friendship it might be,
But one imbued with perks:
You followed your heart,
But what of mine?
Broken, you see.

I spoke to you in the morn
Only to hear you reiterate:
"'Tis not what it seemed;
Just friends, and nothing more."
Yet there was your stud,
So handsome and hideous,
An erection so excruciating,
Yet I had not the resolve
To pull the trigger to my rifle.
I ne'er fell for your lie,

Nor your treachery for a mome;
The description embodied pathos
 I shall never take you back.

Love is a beast
Most peculiarly described.
I oft try to tame it,
But instead, was shot blind.
In its stead, a mirage
Was bestowed upon me,
My ardors repaid
In its negativity.
I loved you once
As I thought you did me,
Yet, we speak
Of your lie
And the romp
In your whorish bed...

...and never shall I weep
Over your spilt milk again.

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