Tuesday, July 23, 2013

A Blacker Shade of Blue

 (I wrote this as a little experiment.  One night in the International High IQ Society forum, I was told by one woman that she didn't consider what I write to be poetry for several reasons, in that I didn't use proper meter [whichmy retort was this is not necessary if you employ blank and free verse], used too many cliches, and simply didn't organize my thoughts well.  While I'm willing to concede and say that some of the last two thoughts were true, I did disagree whole heartedly on her contention that what I write is NOT poetry, and took serious issue to the notion that she nearly said that I didn't have the talent to write real poetry [She said that she wouldn't say I didn't have talent because it was very apparent that I have the desire to write.].  Anyway, read this, and tell me what you think about it. -JH)

A Blacker Shade of Blue                               May 18, 2007 (edited February 8, 2013)
When pain comes swearing a torrid tongue
And the ears grow weary and scarred from poison,
The eyes will lie, 'tis it's only retort.
The world is hazy, a blacker shade of blue.
What is there to a bonfire but wood and flame?
Ah, but that is the greatest inquiry of all!
What do hedonists celebrate but Bloody Hell?
What else, indeed, at The Devil's Ball?
Evil dances as do skeletons in the night,
And it's pitch black even when day doth come,
But what of it for the pure at heart?
They're doomed to millennia of consternation and despair.
The world is hazy, a blacker shade of blue.
The forces clash as their countenance snarls.
Life is a coin on a constant about-face,
For with every evil soul exists a cherub to embrace.

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