Monday, August 26, 2013

A Dark Shade of Gray

A Dark Shade of Gray                                     February 20, 2006

He locked me up, threw away the key,
That guard, all too willing to spite me.
I worked, did the best I could,
But he chopped down my foundation of wood.
I oft wonder if there is any life left to me,
For I feel as if I'm dying, The Lord's Will it be.

I stare at the lines barracading me in.
The Joker's ubiquitous, always has that stupid grin.
Apparently, though, his is not all that laughs,
But all else, too, including lions, tigers, bears and giraffes.
What did I do?  What did I say?
It doesn't matter, for here, I'll grow old and gray.

I pray often, usually with the pen,
In the best way I know how to,
To help me cope with my original sin.
Apparently, my prayer for salvation isn't enough
That it'll guarantee me forgiveness on Earth from that stuff.
Thus, I shall resign myself to many a frostbitten day
And just accept that my life
Is an extreme dark shade of gray.

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