Sunday, August 18, 2013

I Am the Shy Guy

I Am the Shy Guy                                 March 10, 2006

Another night has come,
And I've been so very alone.
Love is in the air,
For it's the season that keeps on giving.
Well, I just saw this woman so fair,
So lovely, she just ran a chill up my spine,
But I'm the shy guy,
And I always finish last.

I'm the shy guy,
And shy guys finish last.
Mick used to say to try sometime,
But I fear the rejection.
She's so beautiful,
Who could possibly beat her?
I guess I'll never know
Because I'm the shy guy,
And I'll finish last.

They say let your heart be your guide
And you'll be set free, free as a bird.
A boat is in the harbor,
But that's not what they're made for.
Well, I'm the perpetual bench warmer
In all aspects of my life,
And though I have no chance for peril,
I'm my own prison warden.

Love is kind of funny that way.
I know, for it's a stranger to me.
I saw her, and I could've gambled,
Rolled the dice, won the big jackpot,
But instead, I chose to take
The surest route to lost love,
And I lost, because I'm the shy guy.
I'm the shy guy, and don't ask why
I will always finish last.

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