Sunday, August 18, 2013

Everyday (The Raging Storm)

Everyday (The Raging Storm)                             April 2, 2006

Everyday, to me, is a drunken day.
Everyday, to me, constitutes memories wasted.
Everyday, to me, is a cold drift on the horizon.
Everyday, to me, is a shame.

People look at me and look surprised.
They see a large and stocky man.
They "see" I'm a jovial giant among men.
They see that, but hell, they're oh-so wrong.
You see, I'm really confused.
Confused about what, you ask?
Life just seems to get a kick out of me,
Out of driving me crazy,
This raging storm which just perpetuates.

And so I ask unto them,
"Don't you wish you were me?"
They all laugh and grin meekly.
They're the most shallow fools I've ever seen.
I smile because that's what's expected,
To turn the other cheek on the world and its pains.
But inside, there's a raging storm going on,
And my friends, it's never gonna go away.

Everyday, to me, I see sunshine,
And I only see black and raining tears.
Everyday, to me, is like a knife
Piercing my heart and soul.
Everyday, to me, I'm just bleeding,
And no tourniquet helps at all.
Everyday, to me, I'm just lying here,
Drowning in those tears, dying.

I feel like everybody is standing around, staring at me.
I must be a fool, the biggest they've ever seen.
I would take umbrage at that, but really, what's the use?
I just take the curse, the good and the bad, and run with it.
And what do I know? What do I even care?
When I die, the world will be a better place, I'm sure.
I know I'll feel better because
This raging storm will have passed.
Lightning always strikes twice, but never thrice.

Everyday, to me, is a source of misery
Compounded by a million.
Everyday, to me, is really not worth waking up to.
Everyday, to me, is just dribbling me right along.
Everyday, to me, well, is just another day to live and regret.

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