Sunday, August 18, 2013

Living the Devil's Lies (Ex-Patriot of the Foul Mind)

Living the Devil's Lies (Ex-Patriot of the Foul Mind)                            March 27, 2006

With a new dawn arrived,
I'm a person newly contrived
From the void of inclusion.
With a blue day abound,
I feel so snug and sound
In my societal contribution.

I've been living for years
Under a cascade of tears,
Living the devil's lies
Beneath The Good Lord's skies,
And here I am now,
Ready with my plow
To shift through some Earth,
To plant me some roots.

I'm an ex-patriot of the fouled mind,
A subversive behind a Gotterdammerung.
I am changing the world of this microcosm,
And I'm ready to become one with the macrocosm.
I'm a fighter, a boxer, a voracious spirit,
Vociferous voice for wrong and right.
I'm tired of living the devil's lies
Beneath The Good Lord's skies,
So I'm reaching out to touch the light.

Sitting back, watching the sun,
I didn't know that this could be so fun.
I've been in the dark so many years now,
I don't know how I lived, don't know how.
I always had the spark deep down inside
Waiting to break out to seek His Grace.
He was calling to me beneath His Skies
To rise up and subvert the devil's lies....

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