Sunday, August 18, 2013

That's What Friends are For

That's What Friends are For                            March 1, 2006             

Her boyfriend didn't treat her right.
She walked down the street uptight,
Then, she accidentally stepped on a crack,
And she dropped to the ground like a sack,
But fortunately, she didn't break her back.
My, but she sure did have a day,
The day apparently from hell!
I'd even make a bet that she asked, "Why?"
And she'd be justified, for sure.

That ain't all that happened to that girl.
She felt the torturous wrath of the Joker's whims
 As they so happen in the fairy tales,
And society's pressure to clam up.
When I walked into her apartment,
I saw her crying on the couch,
And I knew right just then
That a friend's all she needed.

So, I picked her up, carried her to my car,
And out we rode to dinner.
Scared she was, as Yoda would say,
For she feared the wrath of Fate.
I gave her words of reassurance,
And told her to remain calm,
No need to flip out or anything,
Just release the pain into God's palm.
Then, the waiter came to our table,
And I ordered the best bottle of wine,
And when he brought it out,
She drank her glass,
Then said, "This is divine."

I said, "That's what friends are for."
She didn't put up an argument at all.
We ordered our dinner, a couple of steaks,
And enjoyed our meal in good spirits.
She was all smiles now,
And so beautiful, too,
For after all, I wouldn't have done this
If I wasn't in love with her.
She didn't know that at the time,
But I wanted her to learn, soon.
Was I committing the ultimate crime?
Was I committing the most grievious sin,
Since she was so vulnerable,
And finally had found that beautiful grin?

"That's what friends are for,"
I said to her yet again,
And I followed with a bit of gibbrish 
Leading up with a quick "I love you."
She blushed, then covered her eyes,
Said, "This just made my day."
She cried crocodile tears, tears of joy,
And I paid the tab and walked out.
We went back to her place,
Made sweet love that night,
And her day had come full-circle.
So, had mine, too.

Indeed, that's what friend's are for,
To brighten days, to alter destinies.
I came to her aid when she needed me most.
She prospered from the cloak of the day's shadows,
And I finally had the woman I love.

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